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Free Oregon Scenic Railroad Family & Friends Meetup
September 16, 2023 @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
COAAST Network Family & Friends Meetup
at the
Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad
Saturday, Sept. 16
1:30pm Garibaldi Station
306 American Ave. Garibaldi, Oregon 97118
Join us for a 1.5-hour excursion along the scenic
Tillamook Bay and the Oregon Coast between
Garibaldi and Rockaway Beach.
Register for up to four FREE tickets per family.
Acompáñenos en una excursión
de 1.5-horas a lo largo de la pintoresca
Bahía de Tillamook y la costa de Oregon
entre Garibaldi y la playa de Rockaway.
Inscríbase para recibir hasta cuatro boletos
GRATUITOS por familia.