This year is flying by don’t miss these exciting Virtual Training Opportunities happening soon:
May 16th: (Families Connected) FC- Empowering Communications: Spelling for Autistic Children & Adults.
May 29th: (Central Oregon Disability Support Network) CODSN- Transition to Summer with Treehouse Therapies
June 4: (Central Oregon Disability Support Network) CODSN- Moving from Pediatric to Adult Health Care
August (Date to be determined): (Link to come) (Central Oregon Disability Support Network) CODSN: Transition Back to School
September 12: (Link to come) (Creating Opportunities) CO- Equipping Families to Employ Support Workers
September 18: (Link to come) FC- How to Get and Use a Truly Person Centered Behavior Plan Through DD Services
September 25: (Link to come) CODSN-The Sibling Side of Things
October 16: (Link to come) FEATT- Co-regulation and the Brain’s Alarm System- Transforming Crisis to Connection
November 7: (Link to come) (Creating Opportunities)CO-Saving with an ABLE Account
November 14: (Link to come) (Creating Opportunities) CO-Equipping Families to Employ Workers Workshop- High Medical Needs
December 4: (Link to come) (Central Oregon Disability Support Network) CODSN- What is VR and How can it help?