Sammy’s Place

Thompson’s Acres | Oregon COAAST Network

Creating living, working, and respite choices, inspired by nature, with people experiencing disabilities and those who share their journey.

About Sammy’s Place

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Oregon COAAST Network

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Thompson Acres Housing

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Supporter Stories

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About Us

Sammy’s Place is a non-profit organization serving Oregon’s north coast. Based in Nehalem, OR we envision a welcoming coastal region where everybody has what they need to fully participate and thrive in their community of choice. Our lived experience shows that, while disability is a natural part of life, the Oregon Coast is not yet universally accessible and welcoming to people with disabilities. This means that not everyone can fully participate and thrive in our coastal communities. This is especially the case for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This drives us to create new opportunities within the coastal region so everyone can fully participate and thrive in their community of choice.

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Thompson Acres Housing

Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus.

While disability is a natural part of life, the Oregon Coast is not yet universally accessible and welcoming to people with disabilities.

The Solution is to –  

  • Work to create the conditions for easy access that would allow any individual to participate and enjoy a place, product or service independently
  • Promote the understanding that universal access is a fundamental right 
  • Change cultural norms, attitudes and perceptions of disability
  • Celebrate unique strengths of every individual

Include people with disabilities in processes and community

Sammy’s Place News

Policy & Advocacy Update: HB 2698
Policy & Advocacy Update: HB 2698

HB 2698 is a crucial bill aimed at establishing a statewide homeownership goal in Oregon, and it’s gaining momentum! With Oregon’s homeownership rate at just 64%—ranking 43rd in the nation—this bill takes an essential step toward ensuring more equitable access to...

Housing Series- Edition 1
Housing Series- Edition 1

The benefits of homeownership are well known. It is also well known that accessing those benefits is becoming increasingly rare for people who call the Oregon Coast home. And for too long, many communities along the Oregon Coast home have been systemically denied or...

Andrew Jenck, My Adventure with Superman
Andrew Jenck, My Adventure with Superman

My Adventure with Superman Andrew Jenck The following essay contains spoilers for My Adventures with Superman. However, the series may still be emotionally investing should you watch the show after reading this piece. Any piece of media having social commentary is met...

Sammy’s Place
